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Old English was mainly derived from the dialects of _________.A.ancient Celtic peopleB.A

Old English was mainly derived from the dialects of _________.

A.ancient Celtic people




更多“Old English was mainly derived from the dialects of _________.A.ancient Celtic peopleB.A”相关的问题


The history of English is conventionally, if perhaps too neatly, divided into three pe
riods usually called Old (or Anglo-Saxon) English, Middle English, and Modern English.The earliest period begins with the migration of certain Germanic tribes from the continent to Britain in the fifth century A.D., though no records of their language survive from before the seventh century, and it continues until the end of the eleventh century or a bit later.By that time, Latin, Old Norse (the language of the Viking invaders), and especially the Anglo-Norman French of the dominant class after the Norman Conquest in 1066 had begun to have a substantial impact on the vocabulary, and the well-developed inflectional(词尾变化的)system that typify the grammar of Old English had began to break down.

The period of Middle English extends roughly from the twelfth century through the fifteenth.The influence of French(and Latin,often by way of French)upon the vocabulary continued throughout the period,the loss of some inflections and the reduction of others accelerate, and many changes took place within the grammatical systems of the language.A typical prose passage, especially one from the later part of the period, will not have such a foreign look to us as the prose of Old English, but it will not be mistaken for contemporary writing either.

The period of Modern English extends from the sixteenth century to our own day.The early part of this period saw the completion of a revolution in vowel distribution that had began in late Middle English and that effectively brought the language to something resembling its present pattern.Other important early developments include the stabilizing effect on spelling of the printing press and the beginning of the direct influence of Latin, and to a lesser extent.Greel pm the vocabulary.Later, as English came into contact with other cultures around the world and distinctive dialects of English developed in the many areas which Britain had colonized, numerous other languages made small but interesting contributions to our word-stock.

1.The earliest writing record of English available to us started_____.

A.from the seventh century

B.from the fifth century

C.from the twelfth century

D.from the ninth century

2.What is the main features of the grammar of Old English?()

A.The influence of Latin

B.A revolution in vowel distribution

C.A well-developed inflectional system

D.Loss of some inflection

3.What can be inferred from the passage?()

A.Even an educated person cannot read old English without special training

B.A person who knows French well can understand old English

C.An educated person can understand old English but cannot pronounce it

D.A person can pronounce old English words but cannot understand them

4.Which of the following is NOT mentioned?()





5.What is the most remarkable characteristic of Modern English?()

A.Numerous additions to its vocabulary.

B.Completion of a revolution in vowel distribution.

C.Gradual changes in tis grammatical system.

D.The direct influence of Latin.



Does the old man teach________?

A.her English

B.your English

C.her brother’s English

D.his English



Old english work order was somehow variable from that of modern english.when the direct object was a pronoun is old english, the order was used().







Anglo-Saxon English is also known as().

A.Middle English

B.Old English

C.Modern English

D.Shakespeare's English



Which of the following is not a phase in the development of the English language_____

A.Old English

B.Middle English

C.Modern English

D.Contemporary English



Describe the structure and functions of the main civil courts in the English legal system,
including the Supreme Court.



The main difference between the investigation and the previous ones is that ______.A.the r
esearchers started with only one month old infantsB.the observers could rate the quality of child care efforts and analyzed them soonC.the researchers were able to give the questionnaires to mothers in their homesD.video equipment enabled researchers to observe what was happening directly



Over the past 600 years, English has grown from a language of few speakers to become the d
ominant language of international communication. English as we know it today emerged around 1350, after having incorporated many elements of French that were introduced following the Norman invasion of 1066. Until the 1600s, English was, for the most part, spoken only in England and had not extended even as far as Wales, Scotland, or Ireland. However, during the course of the next two centuries, English began to spread around the globe as a result of exploration, trade (including slave trade), colonization and missionary work. Thus, small enclaves (聚居地) of English speakers became established and grew in various parts of the world. As these communities proliferated, English gradually became the primary language of international business, banking, and diplomacy.

Then came the 20th century and its burst of technology. Suddenly people were talking across oceans, flying across continents, hearing broadcasts that reverberated around the planet. Language spread faster than ever. The world wars carried American and British soldiers around the world, pollinating English as they went. When World War Ⅱ ended, the English language was barreling (高速行驶) forward on the shoulders of American capitalism — McDonald's and Coca-Cola, Rambo and MTV, munitions (军火) and computer technology.

Currently, about 80 percent of the information stored on computer systems worldwide is in English. Two-thirds of the world's science writing is in English, and English is the main language of technology, advertising, media, international airports, and air traffic controllers. Today there are more than 700 million English users in the world, and over half of these are non-native speakers, constituting the largest number of non-native users than any other language in the world.

What is the main topic of this passage?

A.The expansion of English as an international language.

B.The number of non-native users of English.

C.The French influence on the English language.

D.The use of English for science and technology.



Learning English for 2008 Beijing OlympicsYang Zhenhua has been a taxi driver for years

Learning English for 2008 Beijing Olympics

Yang Zhenhua has been a taxi driver for years. He knows every corner of the city. His work usually wins him thanks except when he meets foreigners, for Yang doesn't know any English.

"Now I study English in my free time," said Yang in his 40s. He pulls an English textbook from the toolbox. "I study English to help with Beijing Olympics," he said proudly. Yang is just one of the millions of common people in Beijing who started to learn English when Beijing became the host city of the 2008 Olympic Games. Learning and speaking is hot among the people of this 3,000-year-old city. From schools to factories, men and women, old and young are studying their "ABC". Books teaching useful expressions for everyday communication(交际) are the most popular.

Some people, such as taxi drivers, bus conductors and the policemen, are asked to learn basic English. Nearly 3,000 students from 50 universities in Beijing went to the streets last August as volunteers to teach English to the people of this city. They taught common and useful sentences, such as greetings and asking and answering simple questions. Official figures show that about 15% of Beijing citizens can speak English. It is said that it will rise to 70% or 80% during the following years. Besides, the government encourages the use of English in many places. The city underground railways give messages by radio in both English and Chinese. English, not Chinese, is used as the most important working language for the Olympic Committee(委员会). Nearly all the committee members can speak English freely. Many are good at the language.

1)、Yang Zhenhua can hardly win himself thanks from foreigners because he is a common taxi driver.



2)、According to the passage, the English beginners in Beijing like to learn English news best.



3)、Nearly 3,000 students from 50 universities in Beijing went to the streets last August to tell people the importance of English.



4)、Beijing citizens are encouraged to use as much English as possible.



5)、The passage is about more and more people are learning English in Beijing.





As regards social conventions, we must say a word about the English class system. This is
an embarrassing subject for English people, and one they tend to be ashamed of, though during the present century class-consciousness has grown less and less. But it still exists. Broadly speaking, it means there are two classes, the "middle class" and the "working class" (We shall ignore for a moment the old "upper class", since it is extremely small in numbers; but some of its members have the right to sit in the House of Lords, and some newspapers take a surprising interest in their private life.) The middle class consists chiefly of businessmen and professional people of all kinds. The working class consists chiefly of manual and unskilled workers.

The most obvious difference between them is in their accent. Middle-class people use slightly varying kinds of "received pronunciation" which is the kind of English spoken by BBC announcers and taught to overseas pupils. Typical working-class people speak in many different local accents which are generally felt to be rather ugly and uneducated. One of the biggest barriers of social equality in England is the two-class education system. To have been to a so-called "public school" immediately marks you out as one of the middle class. The middle classes tend to live a more formal life. Their midday meal is "lunch" and they have a rather formal evening meal called "dinner", whereas the working man's dinner, if his working hours permit, is at midday, and his smaller, late-evening meal is called supper.

It has been government policy to reduce class distinctions. Working-class students commonly receive a university education and enter the professions, and working-class incomes have grown so much recently. However, regardless of one's social status, certain standards of politeness are expected of everybody, and a well-bred person is polite to everyone he meets, and treats a laborer with the same respect he gives an important businessman. Servility inspires both embarrassment and dislike. Even the word "sir", except in school and in certain occupations (e.g. commerce, the army etc.) sounds too servile to be commonly used.

The "upper class" in England today______.

A.are extremely small in number so that media pays no attention to them

B.still uses old words like "sir" in their everyday life

C.can sits in the House of Lords

D.refers only to the royal family



People thinking about the origin of language for the first time usually arrive at the conc
lusion that it developed gradually as a system of grunts, hisses and cries and【C1】______ a very simple affair in the beginning.【C2】______ ,when we observe the language behaviour of【C3】______ we regard as primitive cultures, we find it【C4】______ complicated. It was believed that an Eskimo must have at the tip of his tongue a vocabulary of more than 10 000 words【C5】______ to get along reasonably well, much larger than rite active vocabulary of an average businessman who speaks English.【C6】______ ,these Eskimo words are 【C7】______ more highly inflected than【C8】______ of any of the well-known European languages, for a【C9】______ noun can be spoken or written in【C10】______ hundred different forms, each【C11】______ a precise meaning different from that of any other. The【C12】______ of the verbs are ever more【C13】______ .The Eskimo language is, therefore, one of the most difficult in the world to learn,【C14】______ the result that almost no traders or explorers have【C15】______ tried to learn it.【C16】______ ,there【C17】______ grown up, in communication between Eskimos and whites, a jargon.【C18】______ to the pidgin English used in Old China, with a vocabulary of from 300 to 600 uninflected words. Most of them are derived from Eskimo【C19】______ some are derived from English, Danish, Spanish, Hawaiian and other languages. It is this jargon that is usually 【C20】______ by travelers as "the Eskimo language".


A.must be

B.must have been

C.ought to be

D.should be

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