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Does money buy happiness? It's sometimes said that scientists have found no relationship b

etween money and happiness, but that's myth, says University of Illinois psychologist Ed Diener.

The connection is complex. In fact, very rich people rate substantially higher in satisfaction with life than very poor people do, even within wealthy nations, he says. "There is overwhelming evidence that money buys happiness," said economist Andrew Oswald of University of Warwick in England. The main debate, he said, is how strong the effect is.

Oswald recently reported a study of Britons who won between $ 2,000 and $ 250,000 in a lottery (彩票拍奖). As a group, they showed a boost in happiness averaging a bit more than one point on a 36-point scale when surveyed two years after their win, compared to their levels two years before they won.

Daniel Kahnman, a Nobel-Prize winner and Princeton economist, and colleagues, recently declared that the notion that making a lot of money will produce good overall mood is "mostly illusory". They noted that in one study, members of the high-income group were almost twice as likely to call themselves "very happy" as people from households with incomes below $ 20,000. But other studies, rather than asking for a summary estimate of happiness, follow people through the day and repeatedly record their feeling. These studies show less effect of income on happiness. Kahneman and colleagues said.

There is still another twist to the money-happiness story. Even though people who make$150,000 are considerably happier than those who make $ 40,000, It's not clear why, says psychologist Richard E. Lucas of Michigan State University.

Researchers conclude that any effect of money on happiness is smaller than most daydreamers assume. "People exaggerate how much happiness is bought by an extra few thousand," Oswald said. "The quality of relationships has a far bigger effect than quite large rises in salary. It's much better advice, if you're looking for happiness in life, try to find the right husband or wife than to try to double your salary."

The main purpose of this passage is to discuss ______

A.the contributions of household incomes to happiness

B.the complex relationship between money and happiness

C.the positive relationship between money and happiness

D.the negative relations of money to happiness

更多“Does money buy happiness? It's sometimes said that scientists have found no relationship b”相关的问题


Why does the woman plan to go to town? A.To pay her bills in the bank.B.To buy books in a

Why does the woman plan to go to town?

A.To pay her bills in the bank.

B.To buy books in a bookstore.

C.To get some money from the bank.

D.To meet someone in the town.



There are stock markets in large cities in many countries. Stock markets in Paris, London,
Tokyo, Shanghai and New York are among the largest and most well-known. The stock market, also called stock exchange, is a place where people can buy or sell shares of a factory or a company. And each share means certain ownership of a factory or a company.

Different people go to stock markets. Some are rich, who want to get more money than they have. Others are not rich, who buy stocks and try to become rich. Still others buy stocks as part of their plan to save money. Of course, investing money in the stock market is not the safest way to make money. No one can tell exactly whether the shares will be doing well. The factory or the company may do badly. Then the stocks will go down, and investors will lose money. The stock may go up or down for a number of untold reasons. Everyone wants the stock go up, but sometimes even if a factory or company does a good job, the stock may still go down.

No wonder going to the stock market is often compared to gambling (赌博) . All are anxious to make money by "gambling" in the stock market. Factories and companies that need money are pleased that so many people are willing to "gamble".

According to the passage, if you have a share of a company or a factory, it means that you______.

A.can buy the company or the factory

B.can sell the company or the factory

C.will become the owner of the company or the factory

D.are one of the owners of the company or the factory



What do we talk about when we talk about money? We often think about what we can buy with
the money we have, what we can’t buy because we don’t have enough and what we’re planning to buy when we have more. We discuss the careers that bring us money and the expenses that take it away. We talk about our favourite shops and restaurants, the causes we support, the places we’ve been and seen. We share dreams that only money can make real.

In short, we talk about everything but money itself. In daily life, money is still a major conversational taboo. This is a shame, because money is as interesting as the things it does and buys, and the more you know about it, the more interesting it is.

As a financial advisor, I’ve seen hundreds of people learn to control their money instead of letting it control them and watched as they increased as they increased their freedom, power and security by handling money consciously. Wouldn’t you like to know that you’ll always have enough money to live exactly as you want to?

You will never be powerful in life until you ’re powerful over your own money. Talking openly about it is the first step.

Which of the following is NOT discussed when we talk about money?

A.The careers that bring us money

B.The causes we support

C.The dreams that only money can make real

D.Money itself

What can we know from the second paragraph?A.We should know more about money itself rather than avoid talking about it.

B.Money itself can interest us and bring us happiness.

C.The more money we earn, the more we should know about it.

D.It is a shame that people talk too much about money.

What does the writer want to say in the third paragraph?A.People should learn how to make money.

B.People should know the value of money.

C.People should learn to control their money.

D.People should know how to use money to increase their power.

The writer’s advice that _____.A.the more you talk about money, the more you can control it.

B.we should learn to be a good master of our money if we want to be powerful in life

C.we should not be so worried about money if we want to have a free life

D.the more money you have, the more powerful you are

What will the writer probably talk about after the last paragraph?A.The importance of money

B.Money, power and security

C.The other steps for people to control money

D.The steps for people to make money




More than how much money comes in it's a matter of how you spend it.That's where
budgeting comes in.A detailed budget helps you keep tabs on your income.There are many people who are able to live comfortably on what they earn, even if their income is modest.A budget, therefore, keeps track of income and expenses.It will segregate your fixed expenses like your food, stay and insurance and your variable expenses like your travel, entertainment, etc.

Adequate insurance for you and your family is an essential part of investing.Life, health and property insurance protect you and your loved ones from unforeseen mishaps.It is also wise to make a will so that your assets can be handled smoothly.

Good personal finance management involves investing, managing risk, insurance, understanding and handling debt and credit, knowing the value of time and money and ensuring that your retirement is taken care of.While planning you make an assessment of your present situation in relation to your goals.Managing personal finances becomes a hassle when you get into debt.Debt is what you owe, and can be good and bad.If you have borrowed money to buy property, it is an investment and the money you pay against interest on the loan is tax deductible.But running up debts like overdue credit cards is not good.This is why budgeting is very important so that you know exactly where your money is going.It is very easy to lose track of what you spend without a budget.

There are multiple ways to invest and save for the future.The crux of the matter is to keep in mind your sources of income and account for your expenses, while keeping a budget that is feasible.Periodical review keeps you in control of your personal finance.

1.The word "modest" in Para.1 probably means "____________"?

2.How many ways of finance management does the author mainly mention?





3.What's the essential part of investing for a family?

A.Sources of income

B.Various expenses

C.Adequate insurance

D.Detailed budget

4.How does the author think of debt?

A.It's completely bad

B.It's both good and bad

C.It's wonderful

D.It's not mentioned

5.What does this passage mainly talk about?

A.How to manage money

B.How to spend money

C.How to invest money

D.How to loan money



Mrs. Peters was soon able to buy a piano because ______.A.her parents gave her all the mon

Mrs. Peters was soon able to buy a piano because ______.

A.her parents gave her all the money for it

B.she saved enough money for it

C.her husband gave her the money

D.she saved some money and her relatives gave her the rest



_________we've no money,we can't buy it.


B.Because of




It would be difficult to have a society like ours without public goods such as defense, tr
ansportation, and other services.

A public good is one that a person can use without reducing the use of it for another person. One of the best examples of a public good is national defense. One person can benefit from our national defense without reducing another person's benefits. In fact, it is difficult to keep any person in our society from enjoying the benefits of national defense.

The market system does not work well in producing public goods. This is because a person who refuses to pay for a public good can not be kept from using it. Suppose that the neighbors in a high crime area decide to hire a police force. Each neighbor, except Mrs. Smith, agrees to pay $100 a year for it. Mrs. Smith refuses to pay because she knows that if all the others pay the $100, the police will guard the area anyway. So Mrs. Smith can enjoy the services of the police force without paying $100. The market system has no way to deal with this type of problem. For this reason, we can not ask each person to make a direct payment in the form. of product price. Therefore, we collect money for public goods by using taxes.

According to the passage, public goods are______.

A.services enjoyed by all people

B.what we can buy and sell in public

C.products that we make for national defense

D.taxes paid by the people involved



Mother hasn’t much money and it is only by good__________that she is able to buy a
ll we need.







You are______ your money if you buy clothes that you'll probably never wear.A.spendingB.gi

You are______ your money if you buy clothes that you'll probably never wear.







You should deposit a certain amount of money with a bank before you buy a house.A.RightB.W

You should deposit a certain amount of money with a bank before you buy a house.



C.Doesn't say



Specialization is encouraged because people______.A.can use their money to buy whatever th

Specialization is encouraged because people______.

A.can use their money to buy whatever they want

B.do not need to make a complete product for exchange

C.can share their products with many others

D.cannot use their money to buy whatever they want

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