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----I think things have been a bit difficult for us the last couple of months.----(). We've been working hard, but still getting behind.

A.You're right

B.I'm afraid

C.I don't think so

更多“----I think things have been a bit difficult for us the last couple of months.----(). We've been wor…”相关的问题


“Mom, can I have some money?" those are the words my mother used to hear all the
time.In return, I heard, "Why don' t you get a job? Not to make me happy, but so that you h ve you own money and gain a bit more responsibility.So last year I a Job working about 25 hours a week.For 35 an hour, working as a salesman in a photo studio.

After I got this job, I had to do football, homework and job (1)It was really hard for me.I was burning out, falling asleep at school and failing in many courses.My teachers were made(2)me and ye led at me: why have a job? I missed a lot of practice in football team and could only (3)back down at the match.My coach was cold at me with an unmasked question: why have a job? I told them it was for the things I need, when actually it was for the things I wanted.Needing and wanting are different.Needing something is like your only shoes have holes in them.But wanting is to have every new brand sneaker just because you like it.I start to think about if I did a wrong thing.Slowly, I learnt to (4) wise decision (5)about what I need and what I want.(完型填空)





E.At the same time



- I think things have been a bit difficult for us the last couple of months. - (). We've been working hard, but still getting behind.


Tina: Polly, do you spend most of your spare time on the Internet?Polly: Honesty speaking,

Tina: Polly, do you spend most of your spare time on the Internet?

Polly: Honesty speaking, no. I&39;m not one of those guys who are always playing online games orsurfing the Internet. I think, nowadays, many people spend too much time on their computers andmobile phones, but not enough time in front of one another.

From Polly&39;s point of view, people should___________ .

A.surf the Internet

B.learn more new things

C.play online games

D.communicate with one another



阅读下列短文,然后根据短文的内容从 62~65 小题的四个选择项中选出最佳的一项。 D While a

阅读下列短文,然后根据短文的内容从 62~65 小题的四个选择项中选出最佳的一项。


While acting may run in the family,it wasn't Angelina Jolie's only choice when thinking about her future. Although Jolie has studied her craft(技艺)since childhood,at one point the 26-year-old,who stars this month in Tomb Raider with her father,actor John Voight,wanted to be a funeral(殡葬)director.“I thought that the crossing over could be a beautiful thing and a time of comfort when people could reach out to each other.”

Tradition(传统)is always attractive and interesting to Jolie,who moved with her mother,Marcheline Bertand,and brother after her parents separated when she was two.“I never had one home. I never had an attic(阁楼)that had old things in it. We always moved,so I was never rooted anywhere. And I always dreamed of having that attic of things that I could go back and have a look. I'm very drawn to some things that are tradition,that are roots,and I think that may be why I paid such special attention to funerals.”

Finally,she chose acting.“Following in my father's footsteps,”she says,“is an interesting thing,because I think we speak to each other through our work. You don't really know your parents in a certain way,and they don't really know you. So he can watch a film and see how I am as a woman,the way I’m dealing with a husband who's been hurt,or the way I'm crying alone.”

“And it's the same for me:I can watch films of his and just see who he is. I've learned to understand him as a person.”

第 62 题 The passage is about a woman who _______.

A.was once a funeral director

B.is the leading actress in Tomb Raider

C.wants an attic to live in

D.was hurt by her husband



长篇阅读:A) When Jonathan Swift proposed, in 1729, that the people of Ireland eat their children

Joy: A Subject Schools Lack

Becoming educated should not require giving up pleasure.

A) When Jonathan Swift proposed, in 1729, that the people of Ireland eat their children, he insisted it would solve three problems at once: feed the hungry masses, reduce the population during a severe depression, and stimulate the restaurant business. Even as a satire(讽刺), it seems disgusting and shocking in America with its child-centered culture. But actually, the country is closer to his proposal than you might think.

B) If you spend much time with educators and policy makers, you’ll hear a lot of the following words: “standards,” “results,” “skills,” “self-control,” “accountability,” and so on. I have visited some of the newer supposedly “effective” schools, where children shout slogans in order to learn self-control or must stand behind their desk when they can’t sit still.

C) A look at what goes on in most classrooms these days makes it abundantly clear that when people think about education, they are not thinking about what it feels like to be a child, or what makes childhood an important and valuable stage of life in its own right.

D) I’m a mother of three, a teacher, and a developmental psychologist. So I’ve watched a lot of children—talking, playing, arguing, eating, studying, and being young. Here’s what I’ve come to understand. The thing that sets children apart from adults is not their ignorance, nor their lack of skills. It’s their enormous capacity for joy. Think of a 3-year-old lost in the pleasures of finding out what he can and cannot sink in the bathtub, a 5-year-old beside herself with the thrill of putting together strings of nonsensical words with her best friends, or an 11-year-old completely absorbed in a fascinating comic strip. A child’s ability to become deeply absorbed in something, and derive intense pleasure from that absorption, is something adults spend the rest of their lives trying to return to.

E) A friend told me the following story. One day, when he went to get his 7-year-old son from soccer practice, his kid greeted him with a downcast face and a sad voice. The coach had criticized him for not focusing on his soccer drills. The little boy walked out of the school with his head and shoulders hanging down. He seemed wrapped in sadness. But just before eh reached the car door, he suddenly stopped, crouching(蹲伏) down to peer at something on the sidewalk. His face went down lower and lower, and then, with complete joy he called out, “Dad. Come here. This is the strangest bug I’ve ever seen. It has, like, a million legs. Look at this. It’s amazing.” He looked up at his father, his features overflowing with energy and delight. “Can’t we stay here for just a minute? I want to find out what he does with all those legs. This is the coolest ever.”

F) The traditional view of such moments is that they constitute a charming but irrelevant byproduct of youth—something to be pushed aside to make room for more important qualities, like perseverance(坚持不懈), obligation, and practicality. Yet moments like this one are just the kind of intense absorption and pleasure adults spend the rest of their lives seeking . Human lives are governed by the desire to experience joy. Becoming educated should not require giving up joy but rather lead to finding joy in new kinds of things: reading novels instead of playing with small figures, conducting experiments instead of sinking cups in the bathtub, and debating serious issues rather than bringing together nonsense word, for example. In some cases, schools should help children find new, more grown-up ways of doing the same things that are constant sources of joy: making art, making friends, making decisions.

G) Building on a child’s ability to feel joy, rather than pushing it aside, wouldn’t be that hard. It would just require a shift in the education wold’s mindset(思维模式). Instead of trying to get children to work hard, why not focus on getting them to take pleasure in meaningful, productive activity, like making things, working with others, exploring ideas, and solving problems? These focuses are not so different from the things in which they delight.

H) Before you brush this argument aside as rubbish, or think of joy as an unaffordable luxury in a nation where there is awful poverty, low academic achievement, and high dropout rates, think again. The more horrible the school circumstances, the more important pleasure is to achieving any educational success.

I) Many of the assignments and rules teachers com up with, often because they are pressured by their administrators, treat pleasure and joy as the enemies of competence and responsibility. The assumption is that children shouldn’t chat in the classroom because it hinders hard work; instead, they should learn to delay gratification(快乐) so that they can pursue abstract goals, like going to college.

J) Not only is this a boring and awful way to treat children, it makes no sense educationally. Decades of research have shown that in order to acquire skills and real knowledge in school, kids need to want to learn. You can force a child to stay in his or her seat, fill out a worksheet, or practice division. But you can’t force the child to think carefully, enjoy books, digest complex information, or develop a taste for learning. To make that happen, you have to help the child find pleasure in learning—to see school as source of joy.

K) Adults tend to talk about learning as if it were medicine: unpleasant, but necessary and good for you. Why not instead think of learning as if it were food —something so valuable to humans that they have evolved to experience it as a pleasure?

L) Joy should not be trained out of children or left for after-school programs. The more difficult a child’s life circumstances, the more important it is for that child to find joy in his or her classroom. “Pleasure” is not a dirty word. And it doesn’t run counter to the goals of public education. It is, in fact, the precondition.

46. It will not be difficult to make learning a source of joy if educators change their way of thinking.

47. What distinguishes children from adults is their strong ability to derive joy from what they are doing.

48. Children in America are being treated with shocking cruelty.

49. It is human nature to seek joy in life.

50. Grown-ups are likely to think that learning to children is what medicine is to patients.

51. Bad school conditions make it all the more important to turn learning into a joyful experience.

52. Adults do not consider children’s feelings when it comes to education.

53. Administrators seem to believe that only hard work will lead children to their educational goals.

54. In the so-called “effective” schools, children are taught self-control under a set of strict rules.

55. To make learning effective, educators have to ensure that children want to learn.



A What do you mean B What about you C I’m not sure D What a pity E What do you think F S

A What do you mean B What about you

C I’m not sure D What a pity

E What do you think F Sounds great

G Say, why don’t you come with us H Do you mean it

Jessica: I’m so excited! We have two weeks off! What are going to do?

Natasha:__56__. I guess I’ll just stay home. Maybe I’ll catch up on my reading. __57__? Any plans?

Jessica: Well, my parents have rented an apartment in California. I’m going to take long walks along the beach every day and do lots of swimming.

Natasha: __58__!

Jessica: __59__? My parents will be happy to have you with in.

Natasha: __60__?I’d love to!



Many people think there is no need to take special care over home security."I'm all right,

Many people think there is no need to take special care over home security.

"I'm all right, I'm insured".

Maybe—if you're fully insured. Even then you can never recover the real value you place upon your possessions. But you can't insure against the upset and unhappiness that we all feel if our homes are seriously damaged by some stranger, our windows and doors smashed, our precious possessions ruined.

"It won't happen to me".

Won't it? A home is broken into almost every minute of the day. Thefts of all kinds, including cars and property stolen, happen twice as frequently.

"I've nothing worth stealing".

You may think not. But in fact every one has something worth a thief's attention. And we all have things of special value to us even if they're worth little or nothing in cash terms.

"I'm only a tenant here".

The thief doesn't care whether you're a tenant or an owner-occupier. You're just as likely to be robbed. Have a word with the owner of the house if you think extra locks and fastenings are necessary.

"They'll get in any way".

Most thieves are always looking for easy jobs. They are soon discouraged by houses they can't get into quickly and easily. So it's worth taking care.

This booklet will help you—It's based on the practical experience of police forces throughout the country. Most of the suggestions will cost you only a few minutes extra time and thought. A few may involve some expense, but this is small compared with the loss and unhappiness you might otherwise suffer. If you are in doubt, ask for free advice from the Crime Prevention Officer at your local police station.

Why should you still worry about protecting your possessions when you have insured them?

A.You tend to undervalue your possessions.

B.You cannot insure against any damage to property.

C.A robbery can ruin your happiness at home.

D.It takes a long time to recover all your money.



My grandfather was a completely different person before he had a stroke. He worked as
a chief accountant, and he worked really long hours. People used to say that he was a workaholic. When he came home, he was always tired and this used to make him irritable. He didn't use to be sociable at all. He used to spend a lot of time alone working in the garden. I used to be frightened of him as a child. He used to shout at us all the time. Then, suddenly he became ill, and then the doctors told him he had to give up work. He changed almost overnight. His attitude to lots of things changed. He relaxed and spent time with his grandchildren. When he died, I think he was a really happy, relaxed man.

(1). My grandfather used to ().

A、drink a lot

B、work very hard

C、be the manager

(2). He was () when he came home.

A、 very pleasant


C、easy to get angry

(3). When I was a child, I ().

A、 liked him very much

B、I hated him

C、was afraid of him

(4). Doctors asked him to ()after he had a stroke.

A、 stop working

B、change his attitude

C、work less

(5). When he died, he ().

A、 was feeling worried

B、was irritable

C、was a happy man



My name is Sarah. My friendship with Kathy was real friendship but it was not perfect.
There were two things I have to tell you about. Either one of them is enough to explain what was wrong between us. Both of them together brought our friendship to an end. But to this day, thirty years later, I still cannot decide which of these two things really caused me to betray her…

I learnt very soon in our relationship that Kathy was jealous. She did not like to think that I had anything that she did not have. We would have great fun going out shopping. However, if I bought, say, a dress for a party, and she thought my dress was better than hers, she would start to say slightly unkind things about it. I could not understand this at all, and even now it puzzles me.

The other problem was my mother. She thought Kathy was common. She thought Kathy had a bad influence over me. She even disliked Kathy’s way of speaking. She thought her pronunciation was common. Mum disliked Katy and looked down on her and kept telling me to stop seeing her. If ever I invited her into the house, she would be angry and tell me off as soon as Kathy was gone.

1、What is the best title for this passage?()


B.Problems with our friendship

C.My friendship with Kathy

D.My good friend

2、What was Sarah’s attitude to her friend?()

A.Sarah thought she was common.

B.Sarah liked her, but didn’t like it when she was jealous.

C.Sarah was jealous of her.

D.Sarah hated her because she was jealous.

3、Sarah’s mother disliked Kathy because ______________________

A.She thought Kathy was common.

B.She knew Kathy was jealous of her daughter.

C.She thought Kathy was a bad influence on her daughter.

D.Kathy was common, and a bad influence.

4、Why was their friendship not perfect?()

A.Kathy was jealous.

B.Sarah’s mother didn’t like Kathy.

C.Sarah was too proud.

D.Both A and B.

5、Which of the following statements is not true?()

A.My friendship with Kathy was real friendship.

B.Sarah and Kathy enjoyed going out shopping together.

C.Sarah’s mother thought Kathy was a special girl.

D.Sarah does not know for sure which thing caused her to betray Kathy.



阅读:According to the dictionary definition of “create”, ordinary people are creative every day

Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:

According to the dictionary definition of “create”, ordinary people are creative every day. To create means “to bring into being, to cause to exist”—something each of us does daily.

We are creative whenever we look at or think about something in a new way. First this involves an awareness of our surroundings. It means using all of our sese to become aware of our world. This may be as simple as being aware of color and texture, as well as taste, when we plan a meal. Above all, it is the ability to notice things that others might miss.

A second part of creativity is an ability to see relationships among things. I f we believe the expression, “There is nothing new under the sun,” the creativ ity is remaking or recombining the old in new ways. For example, we might do this by finding a more effective way to study or a better way to arrange our furniture, or we might make a new combination of camera lenses and filters to cr eate an unusual photograph.

A third part of creativity is the courage and drive to make use of our new ide as, to apply them to achieve some new results. To think up a new concept is one thing; to put the idea to work is another.

These three parts of creativity are involved in all the great works of genius, but they are also involved in many of our day to day activities.

26.Which of the following activities is NOT a creative one according to t he passage?

A.To prepare a meal.

B.To arrange the furniture in a peculiar way.

C.To buy some books from a bookstore.

D.To “write” a letter with the computer.

27.The author holds that ____.

A.creativity is of highly demand

B.creativity is connected with a deep insight to some extent

C.creativity is to create something new and concrete

D.to practise and practise is the only way to cultivate one’s creativity

28.“There is nothing new under the sun.” (Par.3) really implies that ____.

A.we can seldom create new things

B.a new thing is only a tale

C.a new thing can only be created at the basis of original things

D.we can scarcely see really new things in the world

29.What does the author think about the relationship between a new though t and its being put into practice?

A.It’s more difficult to create a new thought than to apply it in practice.

B.To find a new thought will definitely lead to the production of a new thing.

C.One may come up with a new thought, but can not put it into practice.

D.A man with an excellent ability of practice can easily become an inventor.

30.The best title for this passage is ____.

A.How to Cultivate One’s Creativity B.What is Creativity

C.The Importance of Creativity D.Creativity—a Not Farway Thing



Three men traveling on a train began a conversation about the world’s greatest wonders

“In my opinion,” the first man said, “the Egyptian pyramids(埃及金字塔)are the world’s greatest wonder. Although they were built thousands of years ago, they are still standing. And remember: the people who built them had only simple tools. They did not have the kind of machinery that builders and engineers have today.”

“I agree that the pyramids in Egypt are wonderful,” the second man said, “but I do not think they are the greatest wonder. I believe computers are more wonderful than the pyramids. They have taken people to the moon and brought them back safely. In seconds, they carry out mathematical calculations that would take a person a hundred years to do.”

He turned to the third man and asked, “What do you think is the greatest wonder in the world?”

The third man thought for a long time, and then he said, “Well, I agree that the pyramids are wonderful, and I agree that computers are wonderful, too. However, in my opinion, the most wonderful thing in the world is this thermos.”

And he took a thermos out of his bag and held it up.

The other two men were very surprised. “A thermos?” they exclaimed. “But that’s a simple thing.”

“Oh, no, it’s not,” the third man said. “In the winter you put in a hot drink and it stays hot. In the summer you put in a cold drink and it stays cold. How does the thermos know whether it’s winter or summer?”

1. The underlined word “thermos” in Chinese means “_______”.

A. 电冰箱

B. 洗衣机

C. 电风扇

D. 保温瓶

2. That the three men could not agree on what the world’s greatest wonder was because _______.

A. they could not think of anything very wonderful

B. they all had different ideas

C. they could not prove that their opinions were right

D. the journey ended too soon

3. The first man thought the pyramids were the most wonderful things in the world because ____.

A. they were very beautiful

B. they were Egyptian

C. they had been built with very simple tools

D. they could do mathematical calculations

4. The third man thought a thermos was the most wonderful thing in the world because _____.

A. it lasted longer than the pyramids

B. it cost less than a computer

C. he thought it knew whether it was winter or summer

D. the other two men were surprised when he told them about it

5. The third man was not very clever because ______.

A. he could not think of anything to say

B. he did not understand how a thermos works

C. he did not think the pyramids were wonderful

D. he did not know anything about computers

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