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Over 60 million persons in the United States own a...

Over 60 million persons in the United States own a credit card. For these millions of Americans a credit card is "coined freedom". It has had effect of increasing consumption possibilities for households by allowing them to purchase thousands of dollars of merchandise. ranging from autos. clothing, to electrical appliances. The widespread use of creditcard nowadays staggers the imagination to the point where one wonders whether the total amount of consumption spending each year would be the same if this "plastic money" were not around, Credit cards have also been of significant importance to the national economy.Businessmen have been encournged to expand plant and equipment and hire additionat personnel to meet the heavy demand for their products, The tendency of employment and income would rise significantly. Unfortunately the ease with which buyers can increase their purchase with credit cards have caused them to overlook the additional costs.Purchase on credit cards are postponed payments. Buy-now pay later encourages buyers to use credit cards ,extencively.Since the buyer is in effect borrowing money for a special purposer he must expect to pay an interest charge. Interest is the price of using money over a long period of time. A close analysis of the use for credit cards for heavy purchases will show that the buyer has added to the cost of making these purchases. It must also be kept in mind that unpaid monthly balances means added interest charges. Furthermore. the use of credit cards will add to the most purpose of the product since the shopkeeper does not receive the money at the time of the purchase, Shopkeepers might add on the cost of handing credit cards to the bill. One of the arguments against the use of credit cards has been that those who do pay cash at the time if purchase finance the use of a credit card by another person.This is so, the argument runs, because the price of a product will include the cost of another persons use of a credit card.

Which of the following is NOT true about credit cards?

A.It can encourage great sums of consumption

B.Shopkeepers, among others object to the use of credis cards because they add on the cost of the merchandise

C.Credit card holders actually pay for their shopping goods afer the purchase has been completed

D.The national economy enjoys extensive growth because of the use of credit cards

What is the main topic of the passage?A.Advantages and disadvantages of credit cards

B.Economic growth hacked up by the use of credit cards

C.Arguments against the use of ecredit cards

D.Credit cards make life easier

What are the arguments against the use of credit cards?A.It may lead to the overgrowth of the national economy.

B.The delay in the payment of shopping goods may bring damage to shopkeeprers’profits.

C.Some people may intentionally purchase goods that they cannot possbly aford

D.Those who pay by cash at the purehase will have to pay for the cost added to the product as the interest charge of credit cards

The writers purpose in this passage is to____.A.argue against credit card

B.deseribe a phenomenon

C.introduce us the disadvantage and advantage of credit card

D.propose an original viewpoint

更多“Over 60 million persons in the United States own a...”相关的问题



A.over sixty million years before

B.over sixty millions years ago

C.more than sixty million years ago

D.more than sixty millions years before



The city has a population of over()

A.five hundred million

B.five hundred millions

C.five hundreds million

D.five hundred millions people



For over a million years, our forefathers were basically ________.A) any member of

For over a million years, our forefathers were basically ________.

A) any member of the opposing team

B) the goal-mouth

C) the goal keeper

D) the football



The Red Cross ______heir for refugees and over two million dollars have been raised.A.appe

The Red Cross ______heir for refugees and over two million dollars have been raised.

A.appeals for

B.appeals to

C.has been appealing for

D.appealing for



Thirty-one million Americans are over 60 years of age, and twenty-nine million of them are
healthy, busy, productive citizens. By the year 2030, one in every five people in the United States will be over 60. Elderly people are members of the fastest-growing minority in this country. Many call this the "graying of America".

In 1973, a group called the "Gray Panthers" was organized. This group is made up of young and old citizens. They are trying to deal with the special problems of growing old in America. The Gray Panthers know that many elderly people have health problems; some cannot walk well, others cannot see or hear well. Some have financial problems; prices are going up so fast that the elderly can't afford the food, clothing, and housing they need. Some old people are afraid and have safety problems. Others have emotional problems. Many elderly are lonely because of the death of a husband or a wife. The Gray Panthers know another fact, too. Elderly people want to be as independent as possible. So, the Gray Panthers are looking for ways to solve the special problems of the elderly.

The president of the Gray Panthers is Maggie Kuhn, an active woman in her late 70s. She travels across the United States, educating both young and old about the concerns of elders. One of the problems she talks about is where and how elders live. She says that Americans do not encourage elders to live with younger people. As far as Maggie Kuhn is concerned, only elders who need constant medical care should be in nursing homes.

Maggie Kuhn knows that elders need education, too. She spends lots of time talking to groups of older Americans. She encourages them to continue to live in their own houses if it is possible. She also tells them that it is important to live with younger people and to have children around them. This helps elders to stay young at heart.

What health problems do many elderly have?

A.They feel lonely.

B.They are suffering from cancer.

C.They cannot walk or see or hear well.

D.They have got heart problems.



Some two thousand million years ago, the mountain on the sun was raised probably becau

A. the star moved away from the sun

B. another star happened to come near the sun

C. fhe sun and the moon raised the tides on the earth

D. a large tidal wave of a star travelled over the surface of the sun



3 (a) Leigh, a public limited company, purchased the whole of the share capital of Hash, a

3 (a) Leigh, a public limited company, purchased the whole of the share capital of Hash, a limited company, on 1 June

2006. The whole of the share capital of Hash was formerly owned by the five directors of Hash and under the

terms of the purchase agreement, the five directors were to receive a total of three million ordinary shares of $1

of Leigh on 1 June 2006 (market value $6 million) and a further 5,000 shares per director on 31 May 2007,

if they were still employed by Leigh on that date. All of the directors were still employed by Leigh at 31 May


Leigh granted and issued fully paid shares to its own employees on 31 May 2007. Normally share options issued

to employees would vest over a three year period, but these shares were given as a bonus because of the

company’s exceptional performance over the period. The shares in Leigh had a market value of $3 million

(one million ordinary shares of $1 at $3 per share) on 31 May 2007 and an average fair value of

$2·5 million (one million ordinary shares of $1 at $2·50 per share) for the year ended 31 May 2007. It is

expected that Leigh’s share price will rise to $6 per share over the next three years. (10 marks)


Discuss with suitable computations how the above share based transactions should be accounted for in the

financial statements of Leigh for the year ended 31 May 2007.



(b) Historically, all owned premises have been measured at cost depreciated over 10 to 50

(b) Historically, all owned premises have been measured at cost depreciated over 10 to 50 years. The management

board has decided to revalue these premises for the year ended 30 September 2005. At the balance sheet date

two properties had been revalued by a total of $1·7 million. Another 15 properties have since been revalued by

$5·4 million and there remain a further three properties which are expected to be revalued during 2006. A

revaluation surplus of $7·1 million has been credited to equity. (7 marks)


For each of the above issues:

(i) comment on the matters that you should consider; and

(ii) state the audit evidence that you should expect to find,

in undertaking your review of the audit working papers and financial statements of Albreda Co for the year ended

30 September 2005.

NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three issues.



(c) At 1 June 2006, Router held a 25% shareholding in a film distribution company, Wireles

(c) At 1 June 2006, Router held a 25% shareholding in a film distribution company, Wireless, a public limited

company. On 1 January 2007, Router sold a 15% holding in Wireless thus reducing its investment to a 10%

holding. Router no longer exercises significant influence over Wireless. Before the sale of the shares the net asset

value of Wireless on 1 January 2007 was $200 million and goodwill relating to the acquisition of Wireless was

$5 million. Router received $40 million for its sale of the 15% holding in Wireless. At 1 January 2007, the fair

value of the remaining investment in Wireless was $23 million and at 31 May 2007 the fair value was

$26 million. (6 marks)


Discuss how the above items should be dealt with in the group financial statements of Router for the year ended

31 May 2007.Required:

Discuss how the above items should be dealt with in the group financial statements of Router for the year ended

31 May 2007.



(b) A sale of industrial equipment to Deakin Co in May 2005 resulted in a loss on disposal

(b) A sale of industrial equipment to Deakin Co in May 2005 resulted in a loss on disposal of $0·3 million that has

been separately disclosed on the face of the income statement. The equipment cost $1·2 million when it was

purchased in April 1996 and was being depreciated on a straight-line basis over 20 years. (6 marks)


For each of the above issues:

(i) comment on the matters that you should consider; and

(ii) state the audit evidence that you should expect to find,

in undertaking your review of the audit working papers and financial statements of Keffler Co for the year ended

31 March 2006.

NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three issues.

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