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Not until ten o' clock______it was too late to return.A.they realizedB.they did realizeC.d

Not until ten o' clock______it was too late to return.

A.they realized

B.they did realize

C.did they realize

D.realized they

更多“Not until ten o' clock______it was too late to return.A.they realizedB.they did realizeC.d”相关的问题



A.Ten thirty

B.The thirteen

C.ten o’clock



He didn't_____his homework until nine o'clock.(tackled)
He didn't_____his homework until nine o'clock.(tackled)




A.Oh, I usually go to bed at about ten o'clock

B.MeI get up at eight

C.Then I exercise and eat breakfast at seven

D.Math is my favorite subject

E.Well, what do you usually do in the evening

F.o you get up early and exercise



—You don’t look well, what’s wrong with you, Wang Ming?

—Last night I watched the football match and didn’t go to bed () 12 o’clock.







????????D?Many people thought babies were not able to learn things until they were five or


?Many people thought babies were not able to learn things until they were five or six month sold. But doctors now say babies begin learning on their first day of life. A baby will smile if his or her mother does something the ?baby likes. A baby learns to get the best care by smiling top lease her mother or other care givers. This is when babies learn to connect and “talk” with other people.

?Languages kills are believed to develop best in the first three years when the place is rich with sounds and sights. Scientists say children should hear the speech and language of other people again and again. The first signs of communication(交际) happen during the first few days of life, when a baby learns that crying will bring food and attention.

Research shows that most children recognize the general sounds of their native language by six months of age. By that time, a baby usually begins to make sounds. By the end of their year, most children are able to say a few simple words, although they may not understand the meaning of the words. By 18 months of age, most children can say between eight and ten words. By two years of age, most children are able to make simple sentences. By ages three, four and five, the number of words a child can understand quickly increases. It is at these ages that children begin to understand the rules of language.

When do babies begin to learn according to doctors?????

????A.Right after they are born

B.Not until they are five months old

C.When they are six months old

D.As soon as they are one year old

Babies will smile when .

A.they are wet or hungry

B.they want to get the best care

C.they want to talk to others

D.they learn sounds and words

What do most children begin to do from age three or older?A.Make sounds

B.Make simple sentences

C.Say a few words

D.Understand language rules

What would be the best title for the text?A.The Language of Babies

B.When Do Babies Learn to Talk

C.The Roles of Cry and Smile

D.How Babies Understand Words





Grandma Moses is among the most famous twentieth-century painters of the United States, yet she had only just begun painting in her late seventies. As

she once said of herself: “I would never sit back in a rocking-chair, waiting for someone to help me.”

She was born on a farm in New York State. At twelve she left home and was in a service until

at twentyseven, she married Thomas Moses, the tenant of hers. They farmed most of their lives.

She had ten children, of whom five survived; her husband died in 1928.

Grandma Moses painted a little as a child and made embroidery pictures as a hobby, but only

changed to oils in old age because her hands had become too stiff to sew and she wanted to keep

busy and pass the time. Her pictures were first sold at an exhibition, and were soon noticed by a

businessman who bought everything she painted. Three of the pictures were shown in the Museum

of Modern Art, and in 1940 she had her first exhibition in New York. Between the 1930‘s and her death

she produced some 2,000 pictures: careful and lively pictures of the country life she had known, with a wonderful sense

of color and form.

Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?

A. Grandma Moses

B. The Children of Grandma Moses

C. Grandma Moses: Her Best Pictures

D. Grandma Moses and Her First Exhibition



阅读理解:根据文章内容,判断正误。A RED, RED ROSEROBERT BURNSO, my love is like a red, red




O, my love is like a red, red rose,

That is newly sprung in June.

O, my love is like the melody,

That is sweetly played in tune.

As fair are you, my lovely lass,

So deep in love am I,

And I will love you still, my Dear,

Till all the seas go dry.

Till all the seas go dry, my Dear,

And the rocks melt with the sun!

O I will love you still, my Dear,

While the sands of life shall run.

And fare you well, my only Love,

And fare you well a while!

And I will come again, my Love,

Although it were ten thousand mile!


1. The poet wrote this poem to express his love for his lover.{T; F}

2. It is implied in this poem that the author loved two lovers at the same time.{T; F}

3. The poet thinks his lover is as beautiful as a red rose.{T; F}

4. The poet believes love is permanent.{T; F}

5. The poet wants to write a piece of melody to express his love.{T; F}



Many people thought babies were not able to learn things until they were five or six month
s old.But doctors now say babies begin learning,,on their first day of life. A baby will smile if his or hermother does something the baby likes. A babylearns to get the best care by smiling to please hermother or other care givers. This is when babies learn to connect and "talk" with other people.

Language skills are believed to develop best in the first three years when the place is rich withsounds and sights. Scientists say children should hear the speech and language of other people againand again. The first signs of communication(交际) happen during the first few days of life.when ababy learns that crying will bring food and attention.

Research shows that most children recognize the general sounds of their native language by sixmonths of age. By that time, a baby usually begins to make sounds. By the end of their first year, mostchildren are able to say a few simple words, although they may not understand the meaning of thewords. By 18 months of age, most children can say between eight and ten words. By two years of age,most children are able to make simple sentences. By ages three,four and five,the number of words achild can understand quickly increases. It is at these ages that children begin to understand the rulesof language. When do babies begin to learn according to doctors?

A.Right after they are born.

B.Not until they are five months old

C.When they are six months old

D.As soon as they are one year old

Babies will smile whenA.they are wet or hungry

B.they want to get the best care

C.they want to talk to others

D.they learn sounds and words

What do most children begin to do from age three or older?A.Make sounds.

B.Make simple sentences.

C.Say a few words.

D.Understand language rules.

What would be the best title for the text?A.The Language of Babies

B.When Do Babies Learn to Talk

C.The Roles of Cry and Smile

D.How Babies Understand Words




A man and his wife had a small bar near a station.The bar often stayed open until after m
idnight,because people came to drink there while they were waiting for trains. At two o'clock one morning,one man was still sitting at a table in the small bar.He was a—sleep.The barman’s wife wanted to go to bed.She looked into the bar several times,and eachtime the man was still there.Then at last she went to her husband and said to him,“You’vewaken that man six times now,George,but he isn’t drinking anything.Why haven’t you senthim away?It is very late.” “0h,no,I don’t want to send him away,”answered her husband with a smile:”Yousee,whenever I wake him up,he asks for his bill,and when I bring it to him.He pays it.Then he goes to sleep again.” 根据以上内容,回答下列各题。 The bar often stayed open__________.

A.until 12 o'clock in the evening

B.until early next morning

C.all day and all night

D.until after 12 o'clock in the evening








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